LDD installed the helibar system to every corner of the listed building to prevent un-bonded walls pulling apart and to stabilise structural cracks expanding further. The system was installed over a programme of circa three weeks, circa 150lm of bars installed across four floors.

Diamond Drilling


OD Interiors

1. Rake out or cut slots into the horizontal mortar beds, a minimum of 500mm either side of the crack.
2. Clean out slots and flush with clean water and thoroughly soak the substrate within the slot.
3. Using the Helifix Pointing gun, inject a bead of HeliBond along the back of the slot.
4. Using the HeliBar insertion tool, push one HeliBar into the grout to obtain good coverage. 6mm stainless steel rod to be used, cut to size using a grinder.
5. Insert a further bead of HeliBond over the exposed HeliBar, finishing 12mm from the face, and ‘iron’ firmly into the slot using the HeliBar insertion tool.
6. Re-point the mortar bed and make good the vertical crack with CrackBond TE3.
Typical Elbow Tie Detail
1. Remove two courses of bricks, one course deep. Make sure it is 600mm past the crack.
2. Fix 2no R16 bars, use screws fixed into the brick to set out the heights and depths of the bars, tie wire them back sothey don’t move. (REF Drawing 8452/DMW47 REV A) cut rebar to size using a grinder.
3. Take pictures, to be used in conjunction with O&M manual.
4. Cut 18mm ply wood, to cover over the opening. Form a letterbox in the top to allow concrete to be poured in through.
5. Use mastic around the edges of the opening to form a seal and fix ply wood to the bricks with raw plugs and screws.
6. Use pre-blended C40 concrete to engineer’s specification.
7. Top of concrete elbow to be 15mm below the next course of bricks.
8. Vibrate concrete.
9. Allow to dry and remove ply wood.
10. Dry pack the 15mm gap between the concrete and brick.
11. Clean area and remove all tools and plant.
12. Handover to client for acceptance. Successful project.
Alongside this we implemented daily task briefings for all operatives both internal and sub contract to allow continuity of works, good health and safety practice, and to continually review good practice across all 15 floors.